The rules are simple :

On the game board you can only move the upmost card of each pile. And you only have the right to move such cards on a card of the same color.
When 10 cards of the same color are consecutive, you earn a point and these cards are removed.
However, if a pile reach more than 20 cards, you lose the game !
To move a card, click on it, then click on the pile you want to move it.
If you have trouble reading the board, the number in the upper part of a card indicates its color (by an ID of the color) and the number in the lower part shows the amount of cards in that pile !

The buttons translate as :

Commencer une nouvelle partie = Start a new game
Laisser le hasard jouer = Let randomness play (This is an automatic game mode where the cards are moved randomly from the range of options. This is really harder for long games to happen so instead there only needs 5 consecutive cards to earn a point. The best score in this mode is not saved)
Piocher cartes = Draw cards

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